How Wonsulting Helped My Sister Get Her Dream Internship at NBCUniversal

Jonathan Javier
6 min readMar 22, 2021


But before we start, let me tell you how we came to this point in our lives for the Wonsulting fam.

It’s the end of December 2015, and I sit by my computer submitting hundreds of applications in hopes that one would lead to an interview. The new year of 2016 turns about, and I’m left with an email in my inbox which says the daunting words that no job-seeker wants to see.

“Thank you for your continued interest in….”. The feeling of defeat settled in; being rejected by an ATS is never the best feeling.

One problem that I had was I never networking on LinkedIn and in person. Instead, I decided to send messages on LinkedIn and inquire about events regarding opportunities at NBCUniversal.

I then visited the office for an exclusive Happy Hour with fellow job-seekers to network with professionals and recruiters at NBCUniversal. This is where I met not only senior management from the company but also came across Moez Shivji, current CFO at E! Entertainment; he was the nicest person and gave me amazing insights regarding his work for the past 11 years. I’m still connected with him on LinkedIn to this day and am thankful for his conversation with me; although I may have just been another job-seeker trying to work at NBCUniversal, to me it was a conversation that lasted a lifetime.

After attending the NBCUniversal events, I got a feel of what they looked for in candidates and their “why”; I could tell each of them had a passion for the Entertainment Industry. Many of them would speak about what their favorite movies were, their stories coming from first-generation backgrounds, and how social media was evolving.

In this article, I’ll go over the steps I took with my sister Rachel Javier to prep her for her interviews: it has to do with networking with current employees, revising her resume, helping her with interview prep, and utilizing her current marketing skills with her TikTok. This is how I utilized their advice/insight to help my sister land an offer to become another Wonsulting Success Story.

Networking With Current Employees

One of the most integral parts of the job search is networking. Whether it’s utilizing our Wonsulting TikTok, Wonsulting YouTube, or my jonathanwordsofwisdom Instagram Account Strategies, there are many ways you can go about networking with employees from companies you’re interested in. Here’s how she did it:

  1. Networking with current alumni: What Rachel did was network with alumni from UC San Diego who previously and currently worked at NBCUniversal. She used networking tips such as in our Wonsulting Forbes article to build rapport with professionals and then inquire about their story/experience which merited her a high response rate.
  2. Coffee Chats: Speaking with current employees at companies is important because you gain insights regarding not only their story but also how they were able to break into the company. My sister had numerous chats with professionals at the company and had a structure for her coffee chats. By doing this, she learned the insights she needed to add to her resume and ultimately crush her interviews.

Making The Perfect Resume & LinkedIn Profile

Your resume is important when applying or getting referred for jobs. My sister used our Wonsulting Resume Template from our Wonsulting Resources to structure her resume. She also utilized our advice from our Wonsulting YouTube to make her resume on Google Docs just as I had to get into Snap.

💡Education: She added her university (UC San Diego), her major (Communications), her expected graduation date (2023), and organizations that she was involved with from university

💡Work experience: She added relevant experiences that were tailored towards her field she was interested in; two of these included adding her experience from NoFiltr and JoyBox which were directly related to marketing. She then quantified her metrics on each bullet experience and made sure it told a story; it wasn’t just a responsibility, it was an action step she took to make an impact.

💡Leadership Experience: My sister exemplified her experiences, especially with her role in UCSD Undergraduate Communication Society and AS Concerts and Events. She showed the work she was doing to help students by planning events which was directly tailored towards the role.

💡Skills/Interests: We added her relevant skills tailored towards the job description (marketing focused) and also her interests; one thing she mentioned was her TikTok having 194k+ followers which was talked about in the interview process!

Lastly, she made the perfect LinkedIn profile by searching on LinkedIn for Wonsulting Wendy and then

Crushing The Interview Process

The last part was crushing her interview process. Her first part of the interview process was Hirevue Interviews and then with the hiring manager/team. Here’s the advice I suggested to her regarding these:

💡Showing your “Why”: It’s important to show your why, especially in the question of “Tell me about yourself”; this shows the company you have a passion for the role and allows to convey who you

💡Using STAR Method: STAR method which is Situation, Task, Action, Result, is important to use when interviewing for companies. This structure can be used for behavioral questions to help convey your story and help you actually structure your answers instead of “Babbling”.

💡Personality + Personal Touch: The hiring managers loved her experience with TikTok and spoke to her regarding her experience using the platform; they also already knew her from her TikTok page where she was able to take the conversation off script and make it more personal.


All in all, Wonsulting has helped tens of thousands land jobs during these times and impacted millions. The reason why I help others is to give to the world because it ALWAYS gives back to you. Celebrate your small wins and look at life as a long-term process; I never knew my learnings from 6 years ago would help another underdog turn into a winner.

In this case, that underdog turned winner is my sister Rachel Javier.

To more underdogs turning into winners,


Jonathan Javier is the CEO/Founder of Wonsulting, which mission is to “turn underdogs into winners”. He’s also worked in Operations at Snap, Google, and Cisco coming from a non-target school/non-traditional background. He works on many initiatives, providing advice and words of wisdom on LinkedIn and through speaking engagements. In total, he has led 210+ workshops in 9 different countries including the Mena ICT Forum in Jordan, Resume/Personal Branding at Cisco, LinkedIn Strategy & Operations Offsite, Great Place To Work, Talks at Google, TEDx, and more. He’s also been featured as a Top Job Search Expert in articles from Forbes, Yahoo News, LinkedIn News, Jobscan, and more. He’s amassed 600K+ followers on LinkedIn, Instagram,& TikTok as well as 30+ million impressions monthly on his content.

Check out his Social Media links here:

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Jonathan Javier

Jonathan Javier: CEO/Founder Wonsulting, which mission is to “turn underdogs into winners”.